A Christmas Message


“Behold a Virgin (Mary) shall conceive and bear a Son and
they shall call his name Immanuel” (Which means God with us) — Isaiah 7:14

Christmas is a magical time of year. Beautiful decorations and lights, parties and presents, joy and gayety.

Here in Ghana the scene is quite different. The weather is hot, the roads dusty and most people struggle to survive. There will be no presents under a tree. Yet, many people have true joy and real hope for a better tomorrow. They have faith in “Immanuel” and they celebrate his birth, but in humbler circumstances.

Have you ever considered why Jesus was born in a manger with animals as companions? Maybe so the poor could identify with the messenger?

This Christmas you have the opportunity to help the poor. Many of you have given to our children. Children who come from broken homes, many with no Mom or Dad. You help them have hope and joy. I think that is the Christmas message.

We thank you for your gifts and pray a blessing upon you and your family this Christmas and holiday season.

John and Libby Moritz

God bless you
and Merry Christmas!

John and Libby Moritz

John and Libby Moritz

Hearts of the Father Outreach
Christmas Wish List
Shcool Of Art And Tecnology

Our school would be grateful if you are able to support our wish list by acquiring items—including playground equipment and musical instruments—for our Primary school department.

Playground equipment provides physical skill acquisition and can go a long way in influencing pupils’ holistic development and pupils’ physical skill acquisition hence the need to be fully involve in the educational setting.

Below is a list of the our Christmas Wish List items we would like to recommend for our school.

We are appealing to your kind hearts to support us make our educational experience one of a kind — Thank you!

For your convenience, gifts can be made online at donation page

HFO accepts stocks as well as monetary gifts and also has an endowment fund:

Tikkun Olam Foundation.

HFO, PO Box 491, Sheffield, MA 01257

H.E.A.R.T.S. of the Father Outreach is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization