13th Annual Golf Tournament

13th Annual Golf Tournament

Join us at the Wyantenuck Country Club in Great Barrington for the 13th Annual “Golf tournament for the Orphans” on September 19th, 2019!  Download the Golf Tournament Flyer to sign up your foursome for the 2019 Hearts of the Father Golf Tournament.

Spring 2019 Newsletter


Spring is a time for re-birth. Crocuses pop their colored heads from the cool earth, Robins return from the southern warmth, and the landscape changes from a muddy brown to a rich spinach green. We all need a re-birth. As Jesus said, unless a man be born again he cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven. […]

Winter 2018 Newsletter

Last year we celebrated the opening of the HFO School for Arts and Technology. Over 60% of people in Ghana are under the age of 22, so the demand for good schools like ours is great. Our school is growing and we currently have 64 children enrolled. A new class, Primary 1, has been started […]

Summer 2018 Newsletter

I was sitting in our temporary office outside, because of the fire, at the only one recovered desk with several plastic chairs surrounding us. I watched with amazement as people came constantly to and fro all day long. Children’s voices were heard continually from the school abutting our home, cars coming in for planned and […]

2018 New Year, New Focus!

In the midst of political turmoil, terrorist attacks, and media battles, it is easy to lose FOCUS and succumb to negativity and despair. After the death of our three children, I lost my purpose and wandered in a midst of tears, unfocused, but trying to survive and to help my wife. Then, slowly, she and […]

Help Victoria Receive Urgent Medical Care!

Please help Victoria come to the USA for medical treatment. Victoria is a sweet young adult at the JoshKrisDan Home for Refuge located in Old Ningo, Ghana. Victoria has a large dermoid cyst on her right ovary and a smaller cyst on her left ovary. She has been evaluated in Ghana and requires surgery. The […]

20th Anniversary Newsletter

Hearts of the Father Outreach is celebrating it’s 20th anniversary year and we’ve put together a special newsletter to celebrate. John and Libby Moritz share the challenges and joy that they have experienced over the past 20 years since founding HFO. Read about the lives that have been changed and all of the children that […]

20th Anniversary Reflections from John & Libby

HFO Founders John and Libby Moritz reflect on the past 20 years of work through Hearts of the Father Outreach and all that has been accomplished since the death of their 3 children in 1995.