20th Anniversary Dinner Dance!




Join John and Libby Moritz along with friends and supporters of Hearts of the Father Outreach as we celebrate 20 years “Out of the Berkshires, Into Africa“. Enjoy good friends, dinner and dancing to the music of the BTU’s while supporting the work of HFO and the Moritz’s.





6:00 – 7:00  Refreshment Hour and H’ordeuvres
(TV for Kentucky Derby Fans!)
7:30 – 8:30 Four Course Meal, Choices As Following:
1. Tenderloin with Horse Radish Sauce
2. Chicken Marsala
3. Salmon with Dill Sauce
4. Eggplant Rolltini

8:15 – 8:45 Short Presentation: Remembering 20 Years “TEARS TO JOY”

9:00 – 11:00 Dancing with the BTU’s with Steve Ide, Bob McViety, Peter Putnam

RESERVATIONS REQUIRED – with dinner choice

Sponsorship Opportunitites: $25, $50, $100, $250, $500 or Other

Call 413-229-2922  oe Email: heartsofthefather@verizon.net

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